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Fredericksburg Area Youth Development Foundation is a 501(c)3 organization

All donations are tax deductible

FAYDF Board of Directors

Chairman             Ronald H. Holmes

Vice Chairman     Jeffrey N. Rouse

Treasurer             Richard G. Frank

Secretary             Aric N. Wagner


William J. Lynch, Jr., Past Chair

Michael R. Euripides

John J. Izzo

Michael E. Lynch

Scott B. Neal

Gary M. Nuckols, Esq.

Joseph A. Pisani, Jr., Ph.D.

Amanda Talbert

The Fredericksburg Area Youth Development Foundation (FAYDF) was established in 2010 and will continue the fundraising and program development initatives that began in 2006 with The Cal Ripken, Sr. Foundation's "Playball Fredericksburg" initiative.  The local Board of Trustees raised over $2.5 million from the community to build Phase I of Sunshine Ballpark and has provided resources and programs to more than 4,000 children throughout the Fredericksburg region.  The new Sunshine Ballpark is designed to host these programs and the addition of the exciting Center for Exploration gives children the opportunity to participate in the scientific deep sea exploration activities conducted through the Ballard Institute's Jason Project.  

Program Partners:


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